Please select a photo to upload. Only photos with a .jpg or .png extension are valid.
The photo you have selected is larger than the maximum size allowed of 3mb (3000kb). Please set the camera resolution to a lower setting or resize the photo.
Please answer all of the questions and add your comments to complete the audit.
Please confirm that you would like to delete this photo?
Please confirm that you would like to delete this photo?
The email address you have entered already exsists for another user. Please enter a new email address.
The passwords do not match. Please enter the passwords again.
Please select a branch for this user.
Please select a minimum of one branch for this user.
Please enter a value for either a new branch or new brand.
The new branch or brand you have entered already exsists. Please enter a new value
This is a read only field and cannot be changed.
Please select all values to begin the audit.
Please select at least one audit type to begin the audit.
Please select at least one audit type to print the audit template.
Please select all values to begin the report for an existing client.
A client with the name already exists.
Please select the existing client from the create report page.
Please add the account name and number, and select a branch and brand to begin the report.
Please complete all of the form to complete the report.
Please upload all of the required photos to complete the report.
Please add a value for all Micron readings to complete the report.
If Plastic is selected, the Micron value will be 0 (zero).
Please select a defect to complete the report.
Please complete the Nature of Complaint, Visual Inspection, Conclusion and Recommendation to complete the report.
Please complete all of the form to complete the report.
Please complete Nature of Visit, Action Taken and Comments to complete the report.
All questions require comments and must be resolved to complete the report.
Please complete all of the form to complete the report.
Please add both the before and after photos to complete the report.
Please complete Etch Primer & filler Primer, Hardners & Thinners and Clear Coat to complete the report.
Please select at least one value for Work Done to complete the report.
Please select at least one value for Tech Used to complete the report.
Please select at least one value for Your Actions to complete the report.
Please select at least one value for Drying Method to complete the report.
The Vehicle Year does not appear to be a valid format. Please enter only a number for the year value.
Please complete all of the form to complete the report.
Please complete all of the form to complete the report.
Please complete all of the form to complete the report.
Please select an option for the Definition for the planned work to complete the report.
Please select an option for each Action to complete the report.
Please add a comment where the Action equals No or Not Needed to complete the report.
Please accept the Mixing Bank disclaimer to complete the report.
The report cannot be sent as it has not yet been completed.
Please complete all of the form to complete the scale calibration report.
Please select a report type to continue. Start and end dates are optional.
You have your attention. Click on the Incomplete label for Audit Action Report section to view a list of outstanding reports.
Please complete all of the form to complete the report.
Please complete all of the form to complete the report.
Please complete all of the form to complete the report.
Please complete all of the form to complete the report.
Please enter only numbers for the Before Calibration: Test Load and After Calibration: Test Load.
Please enter values for all the fields for this new trainee to proceed.
Please select a trainee to proceed.
Please confirm that the register has been signed by selecting the checkbox to proceed.
This audit is now complete.
The new user has been added successfully.
The user has been updated successfully.
The new company has been added successfully.
The client has been updated successfully.
The new branch or brand has been added successfully.
Your new password has been updated successfully.
The mixing bank report has been updated.
Please select the type of audit report you would like to see.
Please select the type of Teqex report you would like to see.
The report has been sent.
There are no reports to complete for this report type.
Please confirm that you would like to delete this report?
The report has been deleted.